France and Kandaluvr's Tips For Life

9 min read

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kandaluvr's avatar
Ohonhonhon~! Welcome to *SMACK!* oww mon cherie... that was so-
Shut up. Kay. Hi! And welcome to tips for life! Obviously we have France here to give us some tips! SO lets get started!!

1. All you need is love! :iconfrancisplz:
Riiight. Kay! Next please!

2. Do not show up to the Olympics naked. Swiss men do not appreciate it. :iconfrancewtfplz:
Nor does anyone else.

3. Never have conversations with yourself outside your enemy's house. Especially during a world war.
Germany isn't very forgiving.

4. :iconfrancisplz::iconhonhonhonplz:
France, that's not a tip.
Ah, but that is alright because everyone knows I have the biggest-
... I guess you could say that. :iconfrancemuahplz:
Who got the reference?

5. Apparently, drinking wine and driving DOES count as DUI. :iconfrancecomplainplz:
... you- I - just... :facepalm:

6. Do not take advice from the black sheep of Europe. Or food.
Alllrighty then...

7. The real reason I stay "Sexy thin" is because all the food we eat in my country is organic. Not because of :iconcensoredplz::iconcensoredplz::iconcensoredplz::iconcensoredplz::iconcensoredplz::iconfranceheplz:
Well that's good to know. Though... I think you could have left the second part out...

8. Ireallyamthestrongest!AndjustbecauseJoanDeArcwasagirldoesn'tmakemeweak! Ithinkitmakesmeevenstrongerbecauseit'sproofthatGodis alwaysonmyside! BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah!!!!! :iconfrancetantrumplz:
... calm down. No one asked. (did anyone even understand all of that???)

9. Always treat the creepy guy at work with respect. (reference to russia of course) Then when he goes nuts and tries to take over the world, you're in the clear!:iconfrancegimmegimme:
Well... at least it's worth a shot.

10. Try to keep a hairstyle that suits you. :iconlesexyfranceplz:
I see what you did there. :iconiseewhatyoudidthere:

Well thanks for watching!! I hope to see you again soon!
Of course they will Mon cherie! I was here! Ohonhonhonhon!! *Gropes butt* *SMACK*
Keep it to yourself!!

:iconfrancisplz:If you would like any character to give advice, go ahead and suggest below~! Ohonhonhon!

Kandaluvr and Loki's Tips for life1. Put coffee creamer in your hot chocolate. It's a miracle. :iconlokiapprovesplz:
2. Bring your own mouse pad to a desk job because people suck.:grump: And make sure it has something funny on it... like my dads. It says "I see stupid people" :iconlokidplz: It's best if it insults people indirectly... and they don't know it.
3.Put even more coffee creamer in your hot chocolate. Seriously.
4. Always bring a jacket to work. Especially if your boss seems to like having the building at 20 degrees Fahrenheit. o.O And if you happen to be part frost giant... good on you. :iconlokiapprovesplz:
5. Powdered creamer is good, but try to make it liquid coffee creamer in your hot chocolate.
6. If your tired at work, take a nap at lunch hour. It's a beautiful thing. Just don't try to nap under your desk. :iconlokiplz: yeah... not a good idea.
7. Now drink the hot chocolate.
8. Bring an I pod to work. It helps when A) annoying beeping noises erupt from god knows where every so often. B) if you're bore
Romano and Kandaluvr's tips for life( Yes it is now an ongoing thing. And excuse Romano's language. He typed it out... And I edited! =) )
1. If you're sick, and you have to work TAKE THE :censored: DAY OFF! No one else wants your :censored: germs!!:iconromanotomatoplz:
2. When you are :censored: sick, if you have a sore :censored: throat, drink :censored: honey lemon tea. It is literally honey and lemon juice mixed together in hot (mind you HOT) water. It helps your throat and it originated with My Nonno and China, y'know, back before they had weird cold medicines that may or may not work, but always manage to knock you out. (Of course! we're smarter than you!) :iconyayromano-plz:
3. Do not panic if you feel sleepy. GOOD :censored: GRIEF!!!! :iconromanobroplz: Just take a nap.
4. If that :censored: brit comes while you are sick, plead for your :censored: life and make him look like the bad guy!! :iconromanoMoostacheplz:(Me: What does that have to do with anything Lovi?)
5. Pasta is good for helping y
Greece and Kandaluvr's tips for life K! So by request we have Greece here today, giving us some every day advice~! w00t! :iconsleepygreeceplz:
1. Don't take naps in the road. Ever. Especially with your cats.
Ummm... good to know I guess. Is this from experience?
:icongreeceohnoesplz: Why would you think that???? Just... wondering.
2. When you have cats, don't wear black everyday. Their fur shows really bad on you. If you have to, use tape or one of those sticky roller thingies to get it off. Brushing it off doesn't work.
I have two! It's true! If you grab some tape and just use it to get the hair off, it's gone~!! Thanks Greece~!
:iconyaygreeceplz: Why do you think I only wear light colors?
3. Don't iron clothes while wearing them.
4. Don't throw an angry cat straight up. It usually results in a lot of scratches to your face when it lands there.
You did this??!
:iconnekogreeceplz: No... Turkey did.
5. The best gift in life is that of the kitten.
Unless they're alle
America and Kandaluvr's Tips for life Hiya everyone! We have America here to give us some awesome tips for life!
Heck yes I will!!
Well then lets get started!!!!
1.Never,ever put Garlic salt in your scrambled eggs. *shudders* :iconohboyamericaplz:
good to know... Just wondering... why did you do that in the first place?
I didn't mean to. England organized my spices behind my back and I didn't know.
oh wow.
2.Never ask a Frenchman advice for staying thin.:iconscaredamericaplz:
3. If you have a totally boring job like Kandaluvr- bring a small notebook/pad to work with you to jot down ideas you come up with while at your totally lame job!!!:iconusplz:
... thanks.
4. Under no circumstances should you eat England's cooking. :iconamericasulkplz:
That was mean.......... but true. Sorry England...
5. If China asks to make a Chinatown near you, Say YES! :iconyayamericaplz: You get smokin' deals on food and it's not half bad! Just avoid the seafood...
... okay then.
Russia and Kandaluvr's Tips for Life! (w/ Prussia) Welcome back visitors!! Today Russia volunteered to give us some tips for life~!! So here we go!!
1.If outside is cold, don't put your coat on until your just about to leave,da? then it's more effective! :iconexcitedrussiaplz:
Ohhhh.... I get it.
2. A big smile makes people like you more~!! :iconhappyrussiaplz:
So true...
3. Pipes are the best weapon kolkolkolkolkolkolkol...
4. Vodka will always warm you up!
I don't think...
Nein!! BEER IS ZHE ANSWER!!:iconpowderpuffprussiaplz:
Beer! Beer forever!:icongilplz:
Get out! You'll have your turn!
da Prussia... We don't want any accidents, do we?? Kolkolkol...
Nein! *shoves beer in kandaluvr's face and runs*
I win. :iconbraginskiplz:

5. Never show enemy the fear. :iconrickkolplz:
who got that reference??
6. Always have a pickaxe on you! :iconmotherrussiaplz:
7. Never be afraid to say what's on your mind.
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